Friday, April 18, 2014

save the Korean sinking ship.

I can save the Korean sinking ship.
Forward my words to the relatives of the victim students.
Contact with me please :
程至淵 chih yuan cheng
電話:886-02-27970387, 傳真:26583295
地址:114 台北市內湖區文德路210345
Address: 5F. 34 Lane 210, Wende Road, Taipei, R. O. C. zip114. Website: 
TEL: 886-2-27970387      Mobile:0936-497-481     FAX: 26583295    
Skype Account:ycyyoyct

Thursday, January 16, 2014

Solar N Lunar Watches

Fancy Watches
Upper half stands for Day time.
Lower half stands for Night time.
Left '6' 6 o.clcok , morning time.
Right '6' 6 o'clock, evening time.
Top '12' 12 oclock, high noon.
Bottom '12', mid noght.

Thursday, May 31, 2012

Thursday, April 29, 2004

  • upilotz
  • Boy and girl are lovers.
They embracing together went to hospital for treatment.
Doctor found that they are locked together by the metal ring on his penis.
Doctor asked, “what is the matter?”
The boy said, “We want to enjoy sex longer than it is. How could we know the key is missing?By Mr. Brown



Saturday, February 28, 2004

一、祁公公和七十一Grand Pa and his Pet 711
二、血滴子The Bleeder
三、木牛流馬Wooden Horses and Cattles alive
四、土地公The Sheriff
祁公公和七十一 Grand Pa Chi and his Pet 711
七十一出世 The Birth of 711
十二 香肉店Dog Stew
"The sky is of blue and clear and full of refreshing air" Jr. finds and thinks when crawled out of the pipe. What a day it is. Last night was really an unforgettable rich dinner compared with the danger.
It is quite a long time since Jr. escaped the fatal chopper. Jr. now is more than feeling like home in the pipe where is not nice as is in mothers' kennel though.

"Where is my promise of land today!" Jr. wonders while wandering alone and recalls the seizure of the big block of bone "Isn't it the result of my careful plan before hand and my observation of my six disciplines? I'll do the same thing today. The first to do would wait the sunset." Jr. tells itself "The day is still young. To reduce danger, the perfect measure would be return to the pipe house and sleep."

It is pitch dark when Jr. wakes up and crawls out of the pipe home. Moon and star dim. Space above Taipei is brighter than the moon and stars far in the outer space.
Jr. is satisfied and sets off with head up thinking "This expedite absolutely no problem should be for me." On the way to downtown, Jr. takes a lot pain on walking over the rough field of construction site. The noises of cars are deafening. The neon lights are more beautiful than that of Sun. "Be careful and discipline" Jr. reminds itself scanning all around and directing to where full of tables and ranges.
Friday, April 09, 2004

This must be the land of promise. Jr. goes astray in traps of colorful legs. Behold, Black, white, fat, thin, long, and short legs as if forest is alive around. There in the forest of legs is a pair of beautiful one, which is not black, not white, not fat, not thin, not long, and not short moving graceful. That sight attracts Jr. eyes following behind into the group of dogs. It looks like there shall be struggles for Jr. as if coming back to the time fighting for milk again. How could crippled Jr. win the battle?
Monday, April 12, 2004

"Be smart. Move to where the competition, people and dogs may be less." Jr. tells itself and retreats from the spot of non-promise.
This unusual decision Jr. made is successful. Jr. turns to the direction full of rich smell of food stand. The boss is tall and strong. Who gives a look to Jr. with the same kindness as to his clients as if says, "Come on! You're welcome." This bazaar looks familiar to where Jr. has just left moment ago. The most spectacular status would be that there is no dog at all. That makes Jr. able to relax. "What I am waiting for?" Jr. steps up its' movement and steals into under a table waiting for bones. The god of fortune comes down without praying. A bone with meat drops down toward Jr.
Jr. jumps up and catches the flying bone, sucking the juice before bite. It is strange. Jr. 's starved stomach rolls refusing to receive the fatty bone and throws up. Is Jr. sick? Why is it falling on the ground faint and senseless.
Tuesday, April 13, 2004

十三 藏寶庫 Jr. s' Treasure Island
In a mixed sound of barking, Jr. recovers from faint and finds itself coming back to old kennel again. A group of stranger dogs around look at it with sympathy eyes. Jr. thinks again. "No! Since when they all grow up? The kennel looks unfamiliar." A lot of doubts arise in Jr. mind.
Jr. turns head to the direction where a dog barks pitifully. The tall and strong boss becomes terrible and wrestles with a big dog and he acts wicked using his left hand grasps the collar chain, with a butcher's knife in right hand stabbing into the dog's. The pitiful dog abruptly stops barking and struggle. It is certainly dead! The surrounding becomes silent except the boss's steps and the boiling pot. The silence is so quiet that Jr. is laden with fear and tells itself "Run and as quickly as possible." Jr. forces out of the dog cage through bars and crawls carefully, being escaped quivering.


"What kind of animal are human being! It is impossible for me to understand." Jr. walks in the street as if all living creatures were dead. It couldn't help being self-pity feeling chilly, hungry, horror and asks: "Where is my home?" Its' confidence gained yesterday disappears completely now. It is fortunate on this awkward moment that Jr. fully utilizes it's sense of smell borne with and locates a bit of air born food smell afar which drives fear away and reminds it's hungry stomach. Toward which Jr. turns it's direction along the stream up running. Finally it is spotted that the origin of the smell is from a garbage can.
Thursday, April 15, 2004

"There must be food inside. I am absolutely sure. How can I help?" Jr. is unable to open it, running around and trying to find an entrance. Time waits no one. It is about daybreak. The garbage truck follows the Maiden's Prayer coming to the spot. The collectors get off the truck, opening the cover of the can, lifting the black swollen bag off the can, leaving it on the ground and go to other one. Jr. takes this opertunity crawls into the bag, seizes one leftover beef pie and swallows one by one with full attention.
Friday, April 16, 2004


The collectors come over loading all the filled up bags along with jr. after they have the new bags put into the cans and drive away. Bags pile up upon bags, Jr. inside of the bag feels all in dark, choking, and no room to move and knows there is danger. Finally, Jr. falls in shock. No one knows how long it has passed. Jr. gradually recovers from faint. Through the bag seam weak light comes in. Toward the light Jr. struggles crawls out of the bag, immediately pulls a mouthful fresh air in and runs wildly in full force at one stretch to a stop until comes to an empty field where is completely deserted. "How terrible are they! Human being is really not trust worthy." Jr. tells itself.
Monday, April 19, 2004
十四 快樂流浪Happy Vagrant
Jr. dares not looking for food where people gathers after many of the dangers. However, the leftover beef pie is unforgettable and the garbage pile is as rich of food as that of gorgeous hotels. More than that, no guard is around in the daytime, free to make choice of the leftover on one's own will, good for keeping warm as well if staying inside of that. Jr. is happy when being thought of the garbage pile and returns back to where it runs away.
Tuesday, April 20, 2004

In daytime, the garbage yard is not the monopoly gold mine as if Jr. dreamed of before. Jr. sees from afar a large group of brother dogs already there scouting, looking like that they want to get in to digging gold unsuccessfully. That scene renders Jr. helplessly walking outside of them.
Wednesday, April 21, 2004


When Jr. gives further looking over the entire yard, he finds that there are adults, children, women and young girls each of them carrying a bag in one hand and a stick in the other searching carefully by stirring the garbage as if for gold. They overlook the dogs near by waiting eagerly to join the search. Since that the human and dogs pay not attention to him, Jr. waits profitable chance without worry under the scoring Sun with his tongue pulling out foot long.
Thursday, April 22, 2004


"The present status confused me some what. How can I understand? Should human being come here to oppress dogs?" Jr. wonders. The heat mixture of stink air emitted from the garbage fills the space. Which stimulates Jr. 's saliva dripping and makes Jr. 's stomachache.
Friday, April 23, 2004


"No matter of how scorch it will, I'll wait" Jr. tells itself.
The Sun moves westward as if unwilling as watching players on the stage bowing good bye.
Monday, April 26, 2004


Eventually, the hard day winds up after the Sunsets. The group of gold diggers over the garbage hill packs up their prey home. It is time for the dogs to become alive who take over the so-called gold mine for themselves. Jr. and its' brother dogs climb upon the hill as the human do in the daytime each occupies an area digging for food. In the dark Jr. directs itself to a bag emitting strong smell. Into which it drives its' head with full force. Oh! My, gosh. Jr. s' nose is got a stab by a big crab tong. To fill its' stomach overcomes its' painful nose. It is important to eat the meat. "Why human likes eating crab while it is so painful as much. It would be better leave the crabs to cats." Jr. thinks while eating.
Tuesday, April 27, 2004

十五 迷途Going astray
小十一吃魚太猛,以致魚剌扎入鼻子受傷,嗅覺大不如以前靈敏,忘記了祁公公是誰,忘記了老家在哪裡,忘記了自己的房子是在水管裡。俗語說「吃飯皇帝大」,不管方才吃的是臭魚爛蝦,餿飯辣子,還是蔥屑蒜末,肚子填飽了最為快樂,更何況凌晨的繁星明月,散發出驕傲的光芒,更叫狗的豪情高漲幾分,「櫻櫻美代子」起來;在這萬家燈火籠罩中,小十一昂步向前,輕鬆地跋著腳,不知不覺間小聲哼起了「驕傲的鴨子」, ) ^_^ ( ,過去的饑寒生活,死亡征戰,早己拋到九霄雲外去了,「醉酒當歌,人生幾何?」才是嗎?

Jr. s' nose function becomes less sensitive than normal due to being wounded by the tong when it bites the crab and forgets where it comes from and its' home is built in a pipe. There is a saying "having food is the first important living affair." The most happy hour would be being fed up with no matter of how much the fishes or shrimps gone stale. Much more than that, the morning moon and stars are brighter than usual which strengths Jr.s' bravery. It strides humming " Proud Duck" unaware of selfness, forgets the hard living and the fatal expedition completely. "Why not drinking, singing and enjoy life before times gone by" Jr. tells itself.
Wednesday, April 28, 2004

The clock ticks the time gone by. The neon lights standing for prosperousness go off one by one that the contrasts between the space and the earth become low. The sky above without the neon is no more a pointer of where the people gather. Jr. left the garbage yards to where unknown due to going astray. Night is late. People are few. No car runs in the street. It is quiet. There is no sign of danger. "Let me find a place where is full of fun" Jr. tells itself.
Thursday, April 29, 2004



Wondering Jr. accepts the homeless dogs as its' family. The leader dog looks like hero making doggies following without sense. Isn't it a guardian of dogs? Jr. goes along with them to a park where a variety of hills are built. In which the air is spooky. The phosphor fire is weak and keeps away as if avoiding when Jr. comes close. There are moving shadows floating above and down though there is no Sun shine.

"Great! They are careless about me. I am glad of free from bothering." Jr. thought.
Friday, April 30, 2004

十六 清明節 The Day to Serve the Tombs

What's a day? The hilly park in the rising Sun becomes prosperous. Where is crowded with people coming in. There are man, women, smart guys and nice gals. They all carry offerings like fresh fishes, meat, fruits or flowers. There are coolies with spade in hand adding new earth to hilltops or with sickle in hand removing weeds. There are beggars with bags under their arms waiting to pick up offerings. They are all around busy. Jr. has no appetite at all on the offering in the early morning because its' stomach is still full of the leftovers from the garbage bag.
Monday May 3, 2004

十七、大土丘17. Grave Yards

"These sessions for me are really hard to understand. What are inside of the earth hills? For what do people bow as moaning with hands paired in front of breast and burning sticks and papers?" Jr. wonders and struts toward the largest hill for details.
Tuesday May 4, 2004


The hill occupies large space. At the side of which an half old mother in black directs coolies reaping weeds around, piling new earth to the top, laying offering, burning papers, burning sticks in hands praying for quite long time. Finally, she hands the burning sticks over to a coolie who in turn has them inserted in a bowl-like vessel then retreats aside seated on a marble stool. A moment later, a stream from the burning sticks rising slowly up higher and higher to cloud forming a bridge. Suddenly, along which a shadow of human comes down to the stone desk sucking desperately.
Wednesday May 5, 2004


At the same time, there comes a group of people. The leader is a woman a bit of older than the first one. Following the second woman are two boys in uniform and a young girl dressed ensemble, each carrying offering. The four sweep the offering from the stone desk to ground and display theirs' instead without one word to the older woman in black. Who stands up and try to stop them do so when her offers being driven away as garbage and is barricaded by the two boys in uniform. She becomes angry crying and stumbles to ground. The boys push her and stop her to stand up. The young girl comes to rescue but her mother shouts: "don't move."
Thursday, May 06, 2004

When the offering falls on ground, the deserted dogs come in swarm seizing whatever they favor of the offerings. Whoever cares of the strong versus the weak of the tragedy? The Shadow man stops swallowing and seams trying to settle the fight but being disabled to do so by a mysterious force, stands there helplessly.
Friday, May 07, 2004

18. New Earth Hill
Jr. at the moment has no mood to seize food because it has had enough last night, instead, has the tendency to observe human attitude and novel protocol. There Jr. pushes through crowd of people and passes the empty lane of shadow man and comes to a hill smaller than the large one. Where the weed is less wild as is with the large one. A beautiful girl stands alone in front of a stone desk sobbing and murmuring with tears on her cheeks for unknown
Monday, May 10, 2004


A shadow man by her side becomes sad on seeing her sorrow emotion and cares less of sipping his offerings. His look varies as her crying, being nervous on louder, and when her crying sound becomes loud, relax when her
Tuesday, May 11, 2004

All the people in the hill give no attention to her crying from morning to noon. She is too thirsty, too hungry and too exhausted that she falls to ground into a shock and her crying sound died away abruptly. The sudden quietness causes all the people in the hill turning their look to her to observe what happens. It is a pity that no one comes to rescue her. The shadow man aside of her shows worry and carefulness without action however it's look giving 711 as if begs it to help.
Wednesday, May 12, 2004

The young lady's crying look with her face full of tears is more beautiful than usual. Her look touches Jr.'s heart so much that it jumps bravely to her side and starts kissing and licking her face dry All that being done is unable to recover her from faint though, Jr. barks at her ear. It is the barking that helps her breathing again. She inhales deeply and opens her eyes and gives a hug on finding Jr. kissing her and caresses Jr. with extraordinary loving touch.
Thursday, May 13, 2004

這時出現一位仙人一般的道長,走近她和小十一這邊,面露非常訝異神色, =? o ?= 大叫神狗、神狗,一傍圍觀眾人不約而同地一擁而上,想一探究竟,將注意力全都轉到這位道長身上了,齊聲問:「怎麼啦?」
At this incident there is a god-like monk presents, walks close to her and Jr. with surprising look and shouts:
'Holly god, holly god.' =? o ?= People around rush over for details abruptly and all concentrate their attention on the monk and ask: 'what happen?'
' It is a holly dog. I'll bring it back to my temple to worship.'
The monk holds Jr. with people following go direct to Discipline Temple up White Cap Mountain.
Friday, May 14, 2004


Saturday, January 24, 2004

  • 我們的口號:「吹毛求疵」 Our slogan: 'PICK FAULT'



  • In the Chin Dynasty, the Grand Marshal G. N. Yao equipped his soldiers with a powerful weapon when he heads the crusader army in expedition against Tibet rebels during Jung Zong secured the royal power. Which is a kind of deadly flying object and kept secret and unknown till today. It is said this weapon flies with blasting sound able to frighten enemy to surrender. Which is so classified even no one knows what is the name of it. There have been rumors about its' name. The most popular one of them would be THE BLEEDER.

    What the hell of THE BLEEDER is? You're welcome joining this study and sending your comment via E-mail, which shall appear on the web page:

    There are Weapons under cover often found in Knight tales. Which kills enemy with sharp edge by throwing force. It is like an arrow but without a bow. Through the rumor 'blasting sound' we could confirm the under covered weapon able to roar terribly during flying on the way to kill enemy. Flying arrows would give wind-like sound rather than terrified ones because arrows' flying speed limits it to give dangerous sound effect. THE BLEEDER would, however.

    Arrows could make sound when they fly. The so-called weapon under cover could attack secretly. Otherwise, It is not entitled to the name of weapon under cover. Man could elevate the speed of flying objects with powder in the Chin Dynasty but they were unable to achieve the goal of attacking enemy secretly.

    Help me find answers and tackle the miracle, please. I don't believe THE BLEEDER was just a legend at all.

    Furnish by Global Net Daily